Critical thinking and Communicating

 Task 3: The importance of communication skills for engineers

"Without clear lines of communication, our ideas would stay within our own small development teams instead of becoming mature products. While this is obvious to those of us who have become experienced engineers, the real question is: Why is it lost to us when we are engineering students?" 

       Dr. Akbar R Khan, Software Systems Engineer, USA,

                                          "Good Communication Is Essential..."(2014)

Students under engineering, study disciplinary modules which are primarily catered to nurture and develop a problem-solving skillset which then becomes a foundational aspect of a future engineer.

Hence, educational institutions prioritize teaching students how to approach and tackle problems through systematic processes rather than focusing on how to translate their solutions and ideas into the real world through means of communication and presentation. 

Therefore, it becomes extremely prevalent to engineers that have entered the industry that they lack the ability to present or express their ideas clearly, thus through the experience gained in the industry they learn the importance of communications in the workplace and lament that as students they lacked the resources or were not well-equipped with the proper guidance and support required to boost themselves in their future workplace.


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